Goofy Vs Regular: Unraveling the Skateboarding Stance Mystery

Learn the truth behind goofy vs regular in skateboarding. Grasp the language of stances and maximize your skateboarding skill.

Ever find yourself scratching your head at skateboarding terms like regular and goofy? You’re not alone. It’s a universal moment of confusion when first stepping on a board. Phrases like “goofy stance” or “regular stance” may sound like skateboarders have created a language of their own, and they have. So, let’s break it down. Rest assured, you’re eager to shred on, but read on and learn more about the intricacies of these critical skateboarding stances worth understanding.

What’s the deal with a regular and goofy stance on a skateboard?

In skateboarding, “stance” is the very first stepping stone. You don’t choose your stance; your body, mysteriously enough, does it for you! And whether you’re pushing off with your right foot (regular) or left foot (goofy), that doesn’t add to or subtract from the experience.

A video thumbnail of goofy and regular stance skateboard. Source: ride channel, youtube
A video thumbnail of goofy and regular stance skateboard. Source: ride channel, youtube

Why’s it called a regular stance, you ask? Well, simply because it refers to having the left foot in front while the right foot rests on the rear of the skateboard. Most folks, regardless of whether they’re left-handed or right-handed, ride boards in this stance. This preferred stance doesn’t bestow any extra benefits, nor does it enhance your speed or style.

On the other flip of the deck, we’ve got a goofy stance. Goofy riders, like those catchin’ air in Disney classics, place their right foot in front and their left foot on the back of a skateboard. Skateboarding isn’t always about whether you’re right- or left-handed or even which foot is dominant. Either stance is a solid choice, chosen by your body, not by choice.

My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

Goofy vs regular: unraveling the skateboarding stance mystery | 61vn95mf7ql. Ac sl1184 | skateboard salad
My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

I had my board stolen a few years ago and was forced to quickly replace it with a complete. I got one with an Enjoi deck and loved it so much that I still buy the Whitey Panda deck each time I need a new deck. This complete with budget-friendly, beginner-friendly parts, but I still swear by it.

What determines if I’m regular or goofy?

Determining your stance isn’t always clear-cut. But don’t stress it; there’s no hard and fast rule to figure it out, just some handy tips.

The gentle push test

Gently lean into a push, throwing yourself off balance. You’ll instinctively put one foot forward as a counterbalance. And voila, there it is—the foot you put forward first is likely your front foot! Give it a shot on a mellow slope, too, minus the push.

Let your dominant foot lead the way.

Unsure of what’s your preferred way of standing on a board? Start with your dominant or action foot on the back of your board. If it feels natural, you might have struck gold on your preferred stance. Nevertheless, always try out both stances. The switch can sometimes surprise you!

The stair test

Notice which leg you use first when climbing stairs: the right leg hints you might prefer the regular stance, while the left leg suggests the goofy stance. It’s not about being left or right-handed. Just give both a run and see what works for you.

Does hand or foot dominance affect your stance?

Oh, a good one. But the surprising answer is not really! Sure, there seems to be some correlation, like that 40 percent of left-handers are right-footed and about 3 percent are left-footed. But it’s not conclusive. Sporting history is filled with right-handed hockey players using left-swung sticks or right-handed archers using left-handed bows.

The only way that makes sense is to try, test, and madly experiment until you catch that perfect connection with your board.

Image of a skater pushing regular on a skateboard. Source: pexels
Image of a skater pushing regular on a skateboard. Source: pexels

My opinion

As someone still learning the ins and outs of skateboarding, I have to say that testing out both stances is a killer way to experiment and grow your skills. Whether you’re pretty much sold on a regular stance or something like always finding goofy, more comfortable, one isn’t better than the other.

“Whether you’re pushing off with your right foot (Regular) or left foot (Goofy) doesn’t really add or subtract from the experience. Skateboarding isn’t always about whether you’re right or left-handed, or even which foot is dominant. Either stance is a solid choice, chosen by your body, not by choice.”

When you’re just starting, you’ll need to be patient with yourself, grow at your own pace, and never push yourself into things you aren’t ready for. Here’s something that helped me when I started: check out this solid beginner’s guide to setting up your skateboard.

Dos and don’ts of regular and goofy skateboarding stance

Here’s a quick rundown of the dos and don’ts when dealing with the problem of regular and goofy stances in skating:

Do capitalize on the element of surprise and switch it upDon’t force yourself into a chosen style
Do share knowledge with other skaters.Don’t limit yourself to only one style.
Dos and don’ts to consider while navigating the seas of regular and goofy skateboarding stances

In the end, whether you’re regular or goofy, the most critical element is to have fun and keep shredding those streets, parks, or ramps.

If you are a visual learner, check out the video below from YouTube.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Despite the best efforts to delve into the world of regular and goofy skateboard stances, there’s always room for more queries and doubts. Here’s a nifty little FAQ section that aims to address any remaining scrap of uncertainty related to goofy versus regular.

Is one stance more common among professionals?

As per our observation and limited studies, the majority, or about 75% of skateboarders, are regular. However, there’s plenty of footage of pros that easily flips between regular and goofy, making it difficult to categorize them.

Can I switch between regular and goofy while skating?

Absolutely! The ability to switch between regular and goofy is a sign of a highly skilled skater. It enhances your versatility and can catch the eye of those around you. So, while striving to master your tricks in a certain order, feel free to experiment with both stances.

If I am a left-handed person, should I automatically opt for the goofy stance?

Despite some small studies showing a correlation between left-handers and goofy stances, it doesn’t imply a definitive rule. Your handedness does not necessarily reflect your stance preference. Thus, even if left-handed, you might be comfortable with a regular stance or vice versa.

Can regular and goofy stances be applied to other board sports, like longboarding?

Definitely! The choice between regular and goofy isn’t exclusive to skateboarding. Sports such as surfing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and longboarding all use these terms to denote the rider’s stance. The crucial point, like in skateboarding, is comfort and balance.

Final thoughts

The journey through the details and dynamics of regular and goofy skateboarding stances keeps the love for the sport alive. Boiling it down, whether your build prefers regular or goofy, is purely personal. Neither stance adds any advantage over the other, but understanding them deepens your bond with your trusted skateboard.

So tell me, what’s your skateboarding stance—regular or goofy? And, more importantly, how did you decide on it? Let me know in the comments section below. I read and reply to every comment. If this article has been helpful, don’t forget to share it with a friend, and keep checking my complete blog for fresh tips and tricks on skateboarding. Keep skating, and remember, the world is your skatepark.

Key takeaways

This article covered the nuances of regular and goofy skateboarding stances. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Your stance on a skateboard is instinctual and personal; you don’t choose it; your body does.
  • Regular stance means placing your left foot in front and your right foot at the back; a goofy stance flips this around.
  • Stance does not dictate your skating skills or style; however, the ability to switch between stances is a mark of a skilled skater.
  • Regular and goofy stances apply broadly across board sports, from surfing and snowboarding to longboarding.
  • Testing both stances while starting your skating journey can allow for a richer understanding and gradual skill development.

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Steven Portrate
Written by Steven Sadder, Staff Writer

Hey! I'm Steven, a lifelong skater, and proud New Yorker. I’ve been skating since I was a teenager. I may be a bit older now, but I'm not slowing down. Follow me for skating tips and latest gear reviews.

Nick eggert.
Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

Nick is our staff editor and co-founder. He has a passion for writing, editing, and website development. His expertise lies in shaping content with precision and managing digital spaces with a keen eye for detail.

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