Skateboard Shoes: Which Are the Best for Beginners?

Seeking top skate shoes for beginners? Find the perfect pair for your ride and style.

Ever noticed how a heated debate can pop off when skaters talk shoes? Trust me, it’s intense. I’ll tell you, picking the right sneakers is as crucial as choosing the top skateboard decks for that sweet street glide.

Swing by this link for a deep dive into the quest for the best decks that match your skate style: find your perfect skateboard deck. We’ll explore what makes the best beginner skateboard shoes not just good, but kickflip-worthy.

Key takeaways

  • Durability and protection in skate shoes is crucial for longevity.
  • Comfort and fit prevent distractions, so you can focus on your technique.
  • Board feel helps you connect with your ride, which is vital for control.
  • Balance protection with flexibility for the best skateboarding experience.

How do you select the ultimate skate shoes for newbies?

Choosing the right skate shoes when you’re just starting to push wood is a big deal. It’s about more than just style or brand. It’s about finding that pair that supports your ankles as you learn, cushions those heel bruises, and survive the constant flicking of ollies and kickflips.

Featured image for a blog post called skateboard shoes what are the best for beginners your guide to grippy kicks.
Featured image for a blog post called skateboard shoes what are the best for beginners your guide to grippy kicks.

Let’s break it down with a list that’s all about durability, comfort, and board feel—everything a budding street shredder needs.

1. Durability and protection

When hunting for shoes that can take a beating, look for options with reinforced areas. These bad boys should be tough in the ollie and kickflip zones. You want a shoe that’s got your back—or, more accurately, your feet—when you’re slamming down on the pavement day in and day out.

Check out these options for most durable skate shoes that can stand up to the abrasive love affair between grip tape and footwear.

Durability isn’t just about enduring scrapes and tears. It also means solid sole construction to cushion those big drops. A good grip is crucial, so you don’t slip off your deck—’cause there’s nothing cool about hugging the concrete.

Look for a flat, grippy sole that communicates with your board like you’re telepathic. After all, feeling your skateboard is half the battle when nailing those flips.

Supplemental image for a blog post called 'skateboard shoes: what are the best for beginners? (your guide to grippy kicks)'.
Supplemental image for a blog post called ‘skateboard shoes: what are the best for beginners? (your guide to grippy kicks)’.

2. Comfort and fit

A shoe that pinches or doesn’t quite hug your foot right can throw off your whole game. That’s why comfort and fit are non-negotiable. You want a shoe that’s roomy enough for your toes but won’t have your heels slipping out.

Supplemental image for a blog post called 'skateboard shoes: what are the best for beginners? (your guide to grippy kicks)'.
Supplemental image for a blog post called ‘skateboard shoes: what are the best for beginners? (your guide to grippy kicks)’.

For cozy kicks that don’t compromise on quality, peep these best skate shoes that offer a snug fit without cramping your style.

And we can’t just talk about fit without mentioning the break-in period. We all love a shoe that feels good straight outta the box. Sometimes you’ll need a little patience as the shoe conforms to your unique foot shape, but it’s worth the wait when you’ve got a custom-like fit.

Aim for shoes with flexible materials so you won’t be cursing during that getting-to-know-you phase with your new trekkers.

3. Board feel

Board feel is about as important as your first deck. If you can’t sense what’s happening under your feet, how will you rip it properly? Look for thinner soles – you need to know immediately when your deck starts acting up.

Scoop up the low-down on skateboard decks that give you the ride of your life combined with shoes that let you feel every inch of it.

“Board feel is about as important as your first deck. If you can’t sense what’s happening under your feet, how will you rip it properly? Balance is key; find shoes that let you feel your deck through the soles but still offer some cushion for the pushin’.”

Still, don’t get it twisted; thin soles shouldn’t trade away all their padding. You need some shock absorption—unless you’re into bruises as trophies. Balance is key; find shoes that let you feel your deck through the soles but still offer some cushion for the pushin’.

After all, you’ll want to skate another day after throwing down your best tricks.

My favorite shoes (at the moment):

DC Cure Casual High-top Skate Shoes

Skateboard shoes: which are the best for beginners? | 71 8annbgbl. Ac ux695 | skateboard salad
My favorite shoes (at the moment):

DC Cure Casual High-top Skate Shoes

These have lasted me probably the longest of any skate shoe I’ve had. I love high-tops because they protect my ankles. I got the gray ones, but they get dirty quickly. If you care about that, you might want to invest in a darker tone version.

More skateboarding tips

When you’re just starting to skate, it’s about more than snagging the next viral clip—it’s a journey. And on this ride, every tip counts, from how you lace up your shoes to how you approach your first drop-in. Here’s a quick hit-list to keep your progression as smooth as your favorite park section.

  • Break in your shoes with a few casual rides before hitting the harder tricks.
  • Experiment with different lacing techniques for better support or comfort.
  • Always check your shoes for wear and tear—your toes will thank you.
  • Pair your new shoes with quality socks to prevent blisters and improve fit.

When you’re setting foot on the board, there’s a buffet of dos and don’ts to consider. Staying mindful of these can be the difference between a rad session and a not-so-glorious slam.

Wear shoes specifically designed for skateboarding.Choose fashion over function, style should not trump substance.
Keep your laces tight enough to support your feet.Ignore signs of wear; a shoe fail can lead to injury.
Select shoes with the right balance of padding and board feel.Skimp on checking the fit, even known brands can fit poorly.

Nailing the basics early on ensures you can skate hard and avoid the common pitfalls.

Advantages and disadvantages of skateboarding

Skateboarding, like any sport, is a mixed bag with highs that can have you floating and lows that can be a grind. Let’s talk about the ups and downs, so you can kick-push with your eyes wide open.


  • Great form of exercise that improves coordination and balance.
  • Cultivates patience and perseverance through practice.
  • Fosters creativity and individual style.
  • Builds a sense of community with other skaters.
  • Can be a mode of eco-friendly transportation.

Now, for every high, there’s a low. Even with the breezy joys of coasting on a board, there are some things to watch out for.


  • Risk of injury, from scrapes to more serious ones.
  • Can be expensive to keep up with gear and shoe wear.
  • Requires plenty of practice to become proficient.
  • Limited by weather conditions; rain can really ruin skate plans.
  • Subject to local laws and restrictions on where you can skate.


As someone who’s still getting the hang of vert and transition, I can’t stress enough how personal the journey to finding the perfect skate shoe is. In my opinion, it’s like grabbing the right tool for the job – you wouldn’t use a wrench to hammer in a nail, right? That’s why I reckon you should take your time when selecting your kicks.

And hey, if you’re curious about the science behind it or looking for more fleshed-out advice, I found this article on best skate shoes super helpful.

Remember, though, this is just my two cents. Everybody’s feet and skating style are different, so what works for me might not be the perfect fit for you. It’s all trial and error.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, and definitely don’t rush your choice based on some hyped-up release. Consider what you’ll need for your style of skating, and don’t overlook the importance of comfort and support. After all, those shoes are your connection to the board, and that’s a relationship worth nurturing.

If you are a visual learner, check out this video titled ‘How to Choose Skate Shoes | Tactics’

A video titled “How to Choose Skate Shoes | Tactics” from the “Tactics Boardshop” YouTube channel.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How important is shoe grip for beginner skateboarders?

For newcomers to skateboarding, having a shoe with a solid grip can dramatically improve board control and safety. It allows for more accurate flips and better traction, which translates to fewer bails and a more confident ride. As you’re learning, your feet might not always land where you want them to, but a grippy shoe can forgive a multitude of sins and keep you firmly planted when it counts.

Can skate shoes be fashionable and functional?

Absolutely, skate shoes can straddle the line between fashion and function. Brands have stepped up their game, combining slick designs with the rugged features needed for skating. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where your shoes can turn heads at the park and still hold up during a session.

Just make sure they’ve got the right specs under the hood before you commit for the style points.

Is it better for beginners to skate in low, mid, or high-top shoes?

This mostly comes down to personal preference and ankle support. Low-tops offer maximum flexibility and are a classic choice for many street skaters. Mid-tops strike a balance between flexibility and support, which can be great for those who are still finding their footing.

High-tops offer the most ankle support, which might be beneficial if you’re concerned about injuries. It’s worth experimenting to see which style suits your skate style and comfort needs best.

Final thoughts

We’ve carved through a lot today, from the rugged brawn of durable skate shoes to the delicate dance of board feel and fit. But the ride doesn’t stop here. Like any skate trick, finding the right shoes is a grind that pays off.

Remember, the best pair will see you through bail after bail, they’ll cushion the slams and still look ill kick-pushing through the streets. Get out there, try on various styles, and always keep evolving—just like your skating.

How has your shoe game influenced your skating journey? Did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section belowI read and reply to every comment. If you found this article helpful, share it with a friend, and check out my full blog for more tips and tricks on skateboard gear.

Thanks for reading and keep shredding!

Steven Portrate
Written by Steven Sadder, Staff Writer

Hey! I'm Steven, a lifelong skater, and proud New Yorker. I’ve been skating since I was a teenager. I may be a bit older now, but I'm not slowing down. Follow me for skating tips and latest gear reviews.

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Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

Nick is our staff editor and co-founder. He has a passion for writing, editing, and website development. His expertise lies in shaping content with precision and managing digital spaces with a keen eye for detail.

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