10 Worst Things Scooter Kids Do at Skateparks: From Kamikazes to Line-Cutters

Explore the top 10 worst scooter kid antics at skateparks. Get insights on managing the chaos while honing your skateboarding skills.

If you’ve spent even a day at the skatepark, you’ve probably seen it all. Boards, bikes, bladers, and of course, our beloved scooter kids. Now, scootering is a legit sport, no shade to that. But there are a few habits, a few little quirks, that some of these scooter kids pick up which can – let’s just say – grind our gears. Today, we’re going to breakdown the worst things scooter kids do at skateparks. So, tighten your trucks, and let’s roll into the deep end of the bowl.

What are the worst things scooter kids do at skateparks?

I’m sure we’ve all had those moments when we’ve faced the blood-boiling, adrenaline-pumping trials and tribulations of dealing with scooter kids at the skatepark. Here’s my top ten list of terrible tactics you might encounter while attempting to mind your business at your local skatepark.

Image of a kid riding a scooter in a local skatepark. Source: pexels
Image of a kid riding a scooter in a local skatepark. Source: pexels

1. The invisible kamikaze scooter kid

Riding high on our unfortunate list is the invisible kamikaze scooter kid. They come out of nowhere, often without any regard for other people’s paths or the flow of the park. Picture this: you carefully scan your surroundings, lock eyes with a fellow skater who gives you the go-ahead nod, and drop in. Then, out of nowhere, a scooter kid rams into you at lightning speed.

” But rather than letting frustration take the wheel, it’s important to channel these experiences into educating the younger generation on park etiquette and safety…”

The most unfortunate part of these run-ins is the aftermath–an irate parent berating you for their child’s careless maneuver. These situations can leave a sour taste in everyone’s mouth. But rather than letting frustration take the wheel, it’s important to channel these experiences into educating the younger generation on park etiquette and safety to ensure everyone rolls out of the park with a smile.

2. They find glory in snaking you

Coming in second place is the infuriating game of snaking. It’s as if these scooter kids have superpowers that allow them to magically appear in front of you just as you get into the rhythm. No matter how predictably you ride, they always find a way in your way.

Aside from the obvious danger and annoyance they pose, snaking also has psychological effects on skaters. One fall leads to heightened caution, resulting in hesitance to ride freely. For newer skaters, this can be a real confidence killer. Trust me, it definitely isn’t just a coincidence. There’s greater psychology at play here.

3. They ruin your perfect line

Within our top three ranks, we find the pesky scooter kids craving attention and validation at the expense of your perfectly filmed line. You’ve been there, moving phenomenally, spinning that board with finesse like Chris Joslin, only for your concentration to break at the sight of a kid zipping across the park and straight into your path.

The immediate result is a ruined clip and lost opportunity, sure. But the frustration can also mess with your headspace and upset your skating flow considerably. This malicious kind of intrusion is a clear statement of dominance by these scooter kids, and quite honestly, it’s beyond annoying.

4. They dominate the park

You’ve stumbled upon the lair of the scooter kid beasts, but it’s not a myth wrapped in mystery. It’s a cold, hard fact. These kids seem to have an uncanny ability to secure domination of the skatepark, pushing their own boundaries and space with each visit.

Image of a group of scooter kids in a skatepark ramp. Source: pexels
Image of a group of scooter kids in a skatepark ramp. Source: pexels

Even though the park’s clearly meant for all, they somehow manage to commandeer the lion’s share for themselves, leaving you squeezed and tryna compete for air. The kicker? They seem to love riding in groups. Now, I’m all for sharing, but this unbalanced monopoly of space isn’t fair or fun. If you need a space to vent about this common frustration, check out some skateboarding fun facts and stories here.

5. They whine and tattle when things don’t go their way

Last but not least, we have the incessant whiners and tattlers. Perhaps the most annoying tactic scooter kids employ is going full tantrum mode when things don’t swing their way. This sad little dance often involves a buttload of tears, loud wailing, and even dobbing you into their parent or guardian.

Unfortunately, this can lead to uncomfortable confrontations and, sometimes, heated altercations. It can be a real challenge to keep your chill while defending your right to shred. The goal here is to uphold skating’s spirit of shared respect and fun, overcoming these minor irritants. For some helpful mantras to keep things positive when the whining gets too much, take a look at how to improve your skateboarding style.

6. They cause way too much noise

Next on our list is noise pollution! Scooter kids often forget that a skatepark isn’t the place for screaming matches, screeching laughter, and hysterics. Their decibel-breaking wails can be a serious buzzkill for skaters on the grind. Have you ever tried to focus on landing a sweet 360 flip with a soundtrack of high-pitched squeals? Not exactly the vibe we’re aiming for.

7. They hog equipment

Talk about a real downer. These bruising bandits don’t just stop at dominating space. They commit the cardinal sin of pinching the park’s equipment. From snagging ramps for unnecessary scooter acrobatics to using railings as their personal rollercoaster, scootering tykes seem to have a knack for bending the rules to serve their interests.

The worst part? The audacity to throw tantrums when asked to share or wait their turn. Whether using launch ramps as their slides or transforming grind rails into mini tightropes, the misuse of skate park equipment can be seriously detrimental, not just to the skaters but to the maintenance of the park itself.

8. The mob mindset

Roll up, roll up, witness the power of the scooter mob! Why ride alone when you can roll deep? Seems like a solid choice for scooter kids. They move in packs, which can be rather intimidating and disruptive, as they tend to occupy all zones of the skatepark.

From executing synchronized scooter performances (like, who asked for that show, really?) to creating an obstacle course of bodies sprawled lazily across the park, mobbing in numbers is definitely a tactic employed to exert dominance. But hey, don’t let it get to you. Remember you’re here to ride, not to get riled.

9. The lack of park etiquette

To be fair, it’s not these pint-sized/teeny boppers’ fault they are oblivious to skatepark etiquette. However, this does pose a serious issue. Barging into a zone when someone’s mid-trick or mindlessly wandering through a perfectly executed line displays a glaring deficiency in understanding the basic rules of the park.

Could there be a workshop or orientation program for newbies in place? At least, some guiding rules medallions are plastered all around the park! While this takes us into the serious arena of parenting and education, it makes the list because the impact on skaters is real, immediate, and often painful.

10. The disrespectful behavior

Rounding off our list is the most disrespectful behavior of them all: littering the skatepark. From scattered snack wrappers to abandoned water bottles, scooter kids often treat the skatepark like their personal dumpster.

The real kicker? These diminutives tend to deny the mess despite wing-wrapped evidence outright. Such behavior not only disrupts skating but also poses environmental concerns. It also saddens me to see the park, our sanctuary, disrespected. I guess it’s increasingly important to maintain a sense of community to safeguard the sanctity of our skateparks.

Dos and dont’s of dealing with scooter kids

You’ve gotta leash the beast before it overruns the garden. Here, I’ve roped in a good set of suggestions to handle these encounters at the park. But remember, play nice.

Be assertive and respectfulDon’t physically confront
Engage the parentsDon’t get angry and let it ruin your session
Politely ask them to move if blocking your lineDon’t generalize – all scooter kids aren’t terrible
Explain the importance of park etiquetteDon’t stoop to disrespectful behavior
Be patientDon’t give in to the frustration
Dos and dont’s of dealing with scooter kids
My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

10 worst things scooter kids do at skateparks: from kamikazes to line-cutters | 61vn95mf7ql. Ac sl1184 | skateboard salad
My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

I had my board stolen a few years ago and was forced to quickly replace it with a complete. I got one with an Enjoi deck and loved it so much that I still buy the Whitey Panda deck each time I need a new deck. This complete with budget-friendly, beginner-friendly parts, but I still swear by it.

What are some important skatepark etiquette to keep in mind?

Should you ever get stranded in scooter kid territory, akin to Marty McFly stuck in 1955, here are some additional survival tips you might find handy:

  • Keep a safe distance from groups of scooter kids.
  • Lead by example. Demonstrate good skatepark etiquette.
  • Use designated lanes and zones where possible.
  • If a kid is curious about skating, encourage and teach rather than shunning.
  • Celebrate when you see a scooter kid showing respect or proper park usage.
  • Early morning or late evening sessions usually avoid peak scooter time.

My experience with scooter kids at skateparks

From my vantage point – a 24-year-old novice skateboarder – I’ve seen it all. Once, I was so focused on perfecting an ollie, I didn’t notice the oncoming scooter kid. We collided, and I took the blame. It definitely felt like a Mario Kart, where I kept slipping on the banana peels, unable to catch a break. Even though it can be tough, remembering why we skateboard can help to shrug off the frustration and just ride the wave. That, for me, is why I keep skating, unruly scooter kids be damned!

“In this war against these pint-sized foes, knowledge is your greatest weapon. Stay woke, my friends. Stay woke”

If you are a visual learner, check out the video below from YouTube.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In your quest to master the art of sharing the skatepark with scooter kids, you may have stumbled upon a few pressing questions. Fret not! I’m here to shed some light and share my insights on some commonly asked queries.

How can I directly address scooter kids who disrupt my session?

The best approach is to remain calm and explain in friendly terms the problem they’re causing. It’s possible they aren’t even aware of their disruptive behavior. For more on how to handle these situations, here is a guide on the do’s and don’ts at a skatepark.

Can I report disruptive behavior to park authorities?

Absolutely, especially if the behavior persists despite polite interventions, the park authorities should ensure a safe and pleasant environment for all users.

Are scooter kids allowed at skateparks?

Yes, as long as they respect park guidelines and etiquette. If they don’t, it makes sense to bring in the park authorities or discuss your concerns with the kid’s parents.

How can I avoid crashing into scooter kids at the park?

By maintaining strong situational awareness of your surroundings, keeping a safe distance from known scooter hotspots, and anticipating unpredictable behavior. To improve your skateboarding style and expertise, visit this page on improving your skateboarding style.

Final thoughts

Skateboards and scooters can coexist peacefully in our parks if we’re all respectful of each other and mindful of the etiquette. So, my fellow skaters, keep shredding, stay stoked, and make sure to stay aware of these pesky scooter kids. Let’s make our sanctuary, the skate park, equally welcoming for all while keeping its spirit alive! And for more on the essence of our culture, check out the skateboarding community and culture.

Do you have more tips on dealing with a cluster of scooter kids at the skatepark that you want to share? And did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section below. I read and reply to every comment. If you found this article helpful, share it with a friend, and check out my full blog for more tips and tricks on mastering the skateboarding world. Thanks for reading, and keep rolling!

Key takeaways

This article covered the annoyances skaters face from scooter kids at skateparks. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Certain scooter kids use crafty tactics to disrupt and dominate skate sessions.
  • Recognizing these tactics is the first step toward successfully navigating skatepark sessions.
  • It’s important to keep your cool and promote a respectful atmosphere at the park.
  • You should approach the park authorities or parents if the disruptive behavior persists.
  • Despite their antics, scooter kids have the same right to access the park.
  • Maintaining strong situational awareness can help avert potential accidents with scooter kids.
  • Everyone benefits when park etiquette is understood and respected by all users.

Helpful resources

Steven Portrate
Written by Steven Sadder, Staff Writer

Hey! I'm Steven, a lifelong skater, and proud New Yorker. I’ve been skating since I was a teenager. I may be a bit older now, but I'm not slowing down. Follow me for skating tips and latest gear reviews.

Nick eggert.
Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

Nick is our staff editor and co-founder. He has a passion for writing, editing, and website development. His expertise lies in shaping content with precision and managing digital spaces with a keen eye for detail.

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