Why are Mini Boards so Popular Now: the Compact Skating Sensation

Explore why mini boards are all rage in the skate world. Learn from my experience, tricks, benefits, cost, and more. Let's get rolling!

Hello, fellow shredders! Ever wonder, “why are mini boards so popular now?” What makes these pint-sized street rippers the rock star of the skateboard world?

Here’s a quick answer for you: mini boards, despite their diminutive size, are surprisingly awesome for navigating tighter spaces, pulling off insane tricks without much hassle, and — this is massive — they’re a lot more affordable.

In the following article, we’ll not only delve deeper into the world of mini boards, but take a look at their advantages, the physics behind their design, and why they’re the hot flavor of the day in the skateboarding world. Plus, I’m going to share my firsthand experience taking one for a ride and attempting some tricks you’d probably think were impossible on such a tiny platform.

Whether you’re a seasoned vet or a newbie just getting started, I think you’re going to find this exploration pretty much very enlightening! Let’s shred through the bulk of this thing, shall we?

What makes mini boards different?

One of the most attractive features about these compact rides—aside from the obvious size difference—are their specific measurements and orientation. Your average skateboard usually spans around eight inches in width with an approximate length of 32 inches. Now compare that to a mini board, which cuts the length down almost by 10 inches, refining the dimensions to a 23-inch length and approximately six inches in width.

Why are mini boards so popular now: the compact skating sensation | featured image for a post titled why are mini boards so popular now the compact skating sensation img 2929395157 1 cropped | skateboard salad

The wheel size, though, remains fairly similar. The average wheel size of your typical skateboard hits around 53 millimeters, but the mini board trips just a hair off that mark with a size of about 51 millimeters. Seems trivial, right? Yet, while the difference is minuscule, the impact on performance is huge!

My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

Why are mini boards so popular now: the compact skating sensation | 61vn95mf7ql. Ac sl1184 | skateboard salad
My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

I had my board stolen a few years ago and was forced to quickly replace it with a complete. I got one with an Enjoi deck and loved it so much that I still buy the Whitey Panda deck each time I need a new deck. This complete with budget-friendly, beginner-friendly parts, but I still swear by it.

Are mini boards harder to master?

Embarking on some of the challenges I’ve heard about, I set out to see how these measurements could influence my tricks. My first mission was to nail a kickflip. No easy task, mind you. As I suspected, getting that flick was a bit sketchy. Yet, to my surprise, I found I was able to stick the kickflip with a bit of determination and a lot of persistence.

The takeaway? Mini boards might look small, but they can indeed operate almost like their full-sized counterparts, making them a solid choice for any skater.

The mini skateboard: mastering the tricks

Next up, I decided to up the ante and committed to a succession of increasingly challenging tricks. Here’s how it went down:

  1. 360 Flip: Nailed it faster than the kickflip. It seemed more straightforward, although it was, in essence, a higher difficulty level. Why? Possibly due to its reduced size which made it easier to flip it around.
  2. 50-50 grind: This was just brutal. Balancing the smaller trucks posed a significant challenge (more on that later). Yet, when I did finally stick the grind, the compactness made the deck feel stunningly secure.
  3. Manual crossing: After getting acclimated to the board, the manual crossing posed no significant challenge.
  4. Ollie: I jumped a two-stair first, succeeded, then moved on to a more daunting four-stair. It was definitely terrifying, but I managed to stick it (eventually).
  5. Board slide & frontside board slide: Despite my initial reservations, the longer rail slide felt significantly stable on the mini board.
  6. Switch 360 Flip: Now, this was monumental! Struggled…stumbled…fell…nailed it!

Are mini boards worth it?

After trying out several tricks, I found myself really warming up to the board. It was insane how quickly I could adapt to the board and its slight quirks. Yes, it’s a change, but it’s a change that brings a fresh perspective to the game. That said, I still have a few reservations.

The mini board I trialed cost one hundred bucks. Not a big fan of steep prices, but is it really worth it? Well, I have to say the short answer is…it depends. If you’re someone who’s always on the lookout for the next big thing or just enjoys trying out new equipment, the mini board is definitely worth a shot.

It’s compact, accessible, different, surprisingly efficient, and has its own set of pros that just might transform the way you skate. However, if you’re not one for change, value a sense of familiarity, and are happy with your regular skateboard, then the hundred-dollar price tag might come off a bit steep.

Are bigger boards not cool anymore?

By no means! Bigger boards are still sick and always will be. They’re just like the Beatles of the skateboarding world – timeless classics. You can’t go wrong with a solid normal skateboard. I surely wouldn’t suggest swapping out your regular ride permanently for a mini board due to its limitations in certain tricks and styles.

Instead, think of it as an exciting new addition to your skateboarding repertoire, a fun variation you can switch over to when you’re seeking a fresh thrill or itching for a new challenge.

Why are they so popular today?

Several high-profile professional skateboarders, from Wes Kramer to TJ Rodgers, have been shredding mini boards in recent times. Their clips and their antics suddenly made the skateboard world sit up and take notice. There’s a certain charm to seeing familiar tricks executed on an unfamiliar platform that has fuelled the popularity of the mini boards.

Public visibility, coupled with the fresh challenge these mini boards represent and the relatively low cost (I mean, who can resist a hundred bucks!), have led many skaters to give them a shot. Result: They’re selling like hotcakes.

What’s my take on it?

Speaking from a non-expert’s standpoint, I’d say that mini boards are a refreshing twist on the traditional skateboarding experience. Although things can get a tad tricky at times due to their smaller size, they present an enticing challenge, giving you a new set of obstacles to overcome. If you’re up for the adventure, they’re definitely worth a shot. Feel free to check out this article about the best habits for new skaters. It may also provide some insights into how you can approach these little monsters.

Life on the lanes is just like a kickflip on a mini board. It might seemsketchyat first. You might keep falling. But with every try, you’reboundto land on your feet…soon enough. It’s a matter of persistence, resilience, and enjoying the ride while you’re at it.

Is it all hype or real substance?

Mini boards are not just a fleeting fad or a flashy showpiece. They packed quite a punch and held their own, even when tasked with complex tricks. While the prospect of ditching your traditional deck for a mini board full-time doesn’t seem realistic, it does serve as an invigorating alternative for those days when you want to mix things up a bit.

Personally, I think there’s something of substance here. It’s a trend with some real grit to it. Mini boards aren’t just about looking cool or being the newest thing on the block. They’re about challenging your skills, pushing your boundaries and just having some good, old-fashioned fun on the lanes. And that, skaters, is what it’s all about!

Dos and don’ts of skating mini boards

Skating mini boards comes with its own set of unique challenges and considerations you need to keep in mind. Here’s a handy table summarizing the key dos and don’ts:

Be open to a new riding experienceExpect it to replace your full-sized board
Practice balance and controlIgnore the dimensions and skate like it’s a full-sized board
Use it to enhance your skillsIgnore your size and weight when choosing a mini board
Experiment with different tricksExpect the same stability as a full-sized skateboard
Embrace the fun factorUndervalue the challenge mini boards present
A summary of guidelines for skating mini boards

Having a glimpse at some concrete data about mini boards could offer up a clearer picture. Here’s a statistical breakdown to give you an even better understanding:

StatMini Board StatsAverage Skateboard Stats
Average Length23 inches32 inches
Average Width6 inches8 inches
Average Wheel Size51 millimeters53 millimeters
Comparison between the dimensions of mini boards and regular skateboards

Advantages and disadvantages of skating mini boards

Skating mini boards offers an exhilarating twist on the traditional skateboarding experience. However, as with any sport, there are pros and cons to it.


If you’re the adventurous type, mini boards offer a new challenge that’ll surely push your comfort zone. Here’s why:

  • Compact and Portable: Mini boards are easy to carry around, thanks to their smaller size.
  • Affordable: Lower pricing as compared to many standard skateboards makes them an attractive option.
  • Unique Challenge: They present a different set of challenges, perfect to enhance your skills.
  • Versatility in Tricks: The compact size can make certain tricks easier and more fun!


But keep in mind, mini boards aren’t a complete substitute for your regular skateboard. Here’s why:

  • Limitations in Tricks: Some tricks are harder to execute due to the smaller size, especially grinds or slides.
  • Stability: The smaller frame might lead to stability issues for beginners.
  • Not Ideal for Long Rides: If cruising is more your style, the shorter frame and wheelbase might not provide a comfortable ride.

If you are a visual learner, check out the video below from YouTube.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

In this section, we’ll address some of the common questions individuals often have about the world of mini boards. Feel free to explore these nuggets of information tailored for both the curious newbie and the seasoned skater.

Are mini boards suitable for beginners?

Mini boards can indeed be a good starting point for beginners, largely due to their smaller size and lighter weight. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that due to their unique nature, mini boards may present certain challenges, like reduced stability. Beginners are, therefore, advised to proceed with caution, possibly under supervision until they’re adequately comfortable. In any case, don’t forget to gear up with the best skate shoes for maximum comfort and safety.

Should you skate mini boards on ramps?

While you certainly can skate mini boards on ramps, keep in mind, the experience will be quite different from using a full-sized board. Since they’re shorter, the chances for wheel bite increase, which could lead to nasty falls. Similarly, their reduced size could make maintaining stability trickier on ramps.

How can you master the balance on mini boards?

Mastering balance on mini boards is mainly about practice and technique. Much like with traditional boards, you should focus on getting comfortable standing and moving on the board first. This could be achieved through consistent practice and understanding the board’s dynamics. The guide on how to ollie could be highly insightful in this regard.

Are mini boards durable?

The durability of mini boards, much like any other skateboard, depends on their construction and materials. Being smaller, they have less surface area, but they’re typically constructed similarly to standard skateboards. So, they can be just as durable. If you notice any defects in your board, do consult this guide on how to fix delamination.

Final thoughts

Well, that’s a wrap on our journey through the fascinating world of mini boards. We’ve dissected why mini boards are so popular now, endeavored upon some challenges they might present, and burst the bubble on few misconceptions. At the end of the day, the mini board—despite its reduced size—carries a hefty bunch of novelties and joys. But remember, the board’s worth for you would come down to your skate style and personal preferences. For more on skate styles and gear, I encourage you to explore this guide about the lightest skateboard trucks.

What’s your take on mini boards? Have you tried one out? How was your experience?

And did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section below. I read and reply to every comment. If you found this article helpful, share it with a friend, and don’t forget to check my full blog for more tips and tricks on the world of skateboarding. Thanks for reading and keep shredding!

Key takeaways

This article covered the rising popularity and inherent challenges of skating mini boards. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Mini boards are smaller versions of full-sized skateboards, making them portable and affordable.
  • They offer unique challenges that can make certain tricks easier or harder.
  • Despite the smaller size and wheelbase, mini boards can perform a wide variety of tricks.
  • A hundred-dollar mini board can serve as a fun and novel addition to your skating repertoire, but may not entirely replace a full-size board.
  • Several professional skateboarders have popularized mini boards, driving up their popularity.
Steven Portrate
Written by Steven Sadder, Staff Writer

Hey! I'm Steven, a lifelong skater, and proud New Yorker. I’ve been skating since I was a teenager. I may be a bit older now, but I'm not slowing down. Follow me for skating tips and latest gear reviews.

Nick eggert.
Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

Nick is our staff editor and co-founder. He has a passion for writing, editing, and website development. His expertise lies in shaping content with precision and managing digital spaces with a keen eye for detail.

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