7 Essential Tips to Improve Your Skateboarding Skills: Skate Like a Pro

Get stoked with 8 killer tips to step up your skateboarding game. Master basics, balance, and more for next-level skills.

Feeling stuck with your kickflips and Ollies? Can’t seem to make that killer trick you’ve been practicing tirelessly in the park? Shredding the streets and mastering tricks is a journey with ups and downs. In this post, we’re taking you back to the roots, where it all begins—the basics. We’ll guide you through the must-dos, the not-a-big-fans, and the solid choices to up your game. How do you improve your skateboarding skills? We’ve got you sorted.

Why is consistent practice crucial for improving skateboarding skills?

Consistent practice is absolutely crucial for improving your skateboarding skills, and as Tony Hawk, one of the most legendary skateboarders, would attest, it’s the cornerstone of progression in this sport. Skateboarding is an art form that demands not only physical prowess but also an intimate understanding of your board and its nuances.

Image of skateboarders practicing skateboarding in a skate park. Source: pexels
Image of skateboarders practicing skateboarding in a skate park. Source: pexels

Through regular and persistent practice, you build muscle memory, develop better balance, and hone your ability to control the board. Like any skill, the more you practice, the more confident and comfortable you become, allowing you to tackle increasingly complex tricks and challenges. Tony Hawk didn’t become a skateboarding icon overnight; it took years of dedication and countless hours on his board.

Remember, whether you aim to perform jaw-dropping tricks or cruise with style, consistent practice is the path to skateboarding greatness.

My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

7 essential tips to improve your skateboarding skills: skate like a pro | 61vn95mf7ql. Ac sl1184 | skateboard salad
My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

I had my board stolen a few years ago and was forced to quickly replace it with a complete. I got one with an Enjoi deck and loved it so much that I still buy the Whitey Panda deck each time I need a new deck. This complete with budget-friendly, beginner-friendly parts, but I still swear by it.

What is the proper stance for improving skateboarding performance?

The proper stance is your foundation for skateboarding greatness. Find what works for you, practice, and most importantly, keep the stroke alive; get it right, and you’re ready to shred like a pro.

  • Regular vs. goofy: First, determine whether you’re regular (left foot forward) or goofy (right foot forward). It’s all about what feels natural to you, like second nature.
  • Front foot placement: Place your front foot at a slight angle, usually about 45 degrees, near the middle of the skateboard deck. This angle helps with control and balance.
  • Back foot placement: Your back foot goes over the board’s tail, and the toes should hang off slightly. This positioning gives you the leverage to pop tricks and make maneuvers happen.
  • Weight distribution: Keep your weight centered over the board, evenly distributed between both feet. Balance is key; you don’t want to lean too far forward or backward.
  • Knees bent: Bend your knees! This low stance lets you absorb shocks and maintain stability when you hit rough patches or land those tricks.
  • Arms out: Your arms help you maintain balance and control. Keep them slightly extended to your sides for better stability and maneuverability.
  • Relax and flow: The right stance should feel comfortable and relaxed, allowing you to flow with the board rather than fighting it. Don’t be too rigid!
  • Practice, practice, practice: Stance is something you develop over time. So, get out there, ride, and experiment with your foot placements until it feels like second nature. Remember, the more you skate, the more your stance will evolve and improve.

How do you improve your skateboarding skills?

The path to mastering any skill is often studded with challenges that appear to be impossible. But as skateboarders, staring into the abyss of impossibility and shredding through it is what we do best. So, to level up your skateboarding superpowers, here are some bullet-proof ways to step up and annihilate those outrageous tricks one at a time. Trust me, it’s always the journey that counts, not just the destination!

1. Master the basics

If there’s a cardinal rule in skateboarding, it is this: never skip any basics. It’s easy to get carried away, dreaming of pulling off intricate tricks, but dialing down and refining your basic techniques is crucial. Often, we’re so enticed by those jaw-dropping stunts that we skip the essential ABCs. It’s a mistake yours truly made, so it’s time to get the basics down pat.

Skipping the basics means you’re missing out on understanding your board better. It’s like planning a trip to Mars without understanding the basic principles of rocket science! Silly, right? Getting comfortable with the basic elements of skateboarding gradually paves the way for more complex moves. It’s this intricate dance between the basics and the advanced that fuels your progress and creativity.

2. Bolster your balance

The knack for balancing is viewed as the Holy Grail, the Infinity Gauntlet of skateboarding skills. As skaters, we’re always engaging our core and working our muscles to maintain that equilibrium. You see, solid balance skills translate into smoother and more controlled board movements.

A strong grip on balance ensures you’re sailing smoothly as you execute tricks or glide down the streets. It’s like having the perfect equilibrium during those tricky yoga poses. You get the point. Improving balance can be as rudimentary as practicing on an empty Coke bottle. This simple step, believe it or not, can make a difference in refining your riding skills.

3. Gradual progression is key

Regardless of whether you’re learning to perform a kickflip or aim at a pro-level trick, ensure slow and steady progression. Remember the first time you tried to drop off on the ramp? It felt like standing on the edge of a cliff, right? That’s where progressive learning steps in.

Instead of shooting for the moon, start with a mini ramp, get comfortable, and gradually move on to bigger ones. Taking smaller steps not only boosts your confidence but also significantly reduces the risk of injuries. This approach aligns with the fundamentals of mastering any new skill.

4. Embrace the breaks

Feeling stuck while learning a new trick is a regular drill in a skateboarder’s life. I always advise the same thing: embrace the breaks. If you’ve been hitting the same roadblock for a while, it might be your brain asking for a breather.

Taking short breaks gives your muscles and brain much-needed time to recuperate. It’s just as in academic learning, where esoteric concepts somehow click after a break. Plateaus are a common part of the learning curve, and giving yourself some rest can surprise you with renewed resilience and a refreshed perspective.

5. Watch, learn and implement

Believe it or not, watching skateboarding videos can fuel your adrenaline rush, teach you new tricks and stances, and inspire you. These videos often offer an in-depth explanation of techniques, which is handy for refining your tricks.

These films are like level-up potions in video games, providing a boost to move on to the next stage. So, don’t miss the chance to learn from the pros here. After all, there’s nothing like a visual spectacle of your favorite skater pulling off mind-bending stunts to get your wheels back in action. Just remember: Watch, learn, and shred on!

6. Ditch the mongo style

We’ve all been there—the irresistible Mongo style attracting us like a beacon. Yeah, the Mongo style isn’t bad per se, but it reduces your stability while executing tricks. The sketchy truth is that it can even seem preferable when you’re starting, but trust me, it’s definitely a speed breaker in the long run.

The transition from the mongo to the regular style might feel frustrating, but it’s well worth the effort. When you’ve adapted to the regular pushing method, maneuvering your skateboard becomes a breeze with improved stability. It’s like switching from a dial-up connection to fiber optic broadband—once you make the switch, there’s no turning back.

7. Learn to ride fakie

The fakie stance in skateboarding is like playing an instrument: you start with the basics, then step up the game by playing it backward. Riding fakie, in essence, involves skateboarding backward, opening doors to a plethora of new tricks.

Initially, it might be a bit intimidating to ride backward, like trying to write with your non-dominant hand. However, like the unexpected beauty of ambidexterity, riding a fakie widens your trick arsenal. It adds a new layer of depth to your kit, introducing elements such as fakie ollies, fakie shove-its, fakie big spins, and much more.

Image of a man skateboarding in a ramp. Source: unsplash
Image of a man skateboarding on a ramp. Source: unsplash

Additional skateboarding improvement tips

Here are some additional pointers to assist you on your ride to become a better skateboarder. Remember, every skater has their journey, but these tips are like the Swiss army knife that comes in handy in various scenarios.

  • Be patient with your progress.
  • Try to practice daily, even for short durations
  • Try both street and ramp skateboarding
  • Experiment with different skateboard types
  • Consider getting professional training if possible

My personal opinion on improving skateboarding skills

As an intermediate skateboarder, I’ve learned (the hard way!) that improvement comes with time, patience, and consistent effort. Playing the “Comparison Game” with other skaters never helps; it’s our individual journey that matters. It’s like watching Avatar and wanting to be a Na’Vi overnight—pretty much impossible. It takes time to learn their ways and language and connect with them.

“Mastering the art of skateboarding is like connecting with the rhythm of your soul. It’s a symphony of dedication, balance, creativity, falls, and the triumphant thrill of nailing a trick after countless attempts.”

Always remember, skateboarding is about embracing your style and rhythm. Testing your boundaries, learning from mistakes, and rising above them is the real thrill. Enjoy the rides, the falls, the tricks, and, hey, even the occasional skateboard maintenance! So, keep pushing your limits, and remember, every day is an opportunity to shred!

Advantages and disadvantages of improving skateboarding skills

Like any journey, improving your skateboarding skills brings its own set of advantages and disadvantages. It’s an adventurous rollercoaster ride of progress and plateaus, exhilaration, and possibly scraped elbows.


  • It fuels your self-confidence and boosts satisfaction
  • Regular practice can improve physical fitness and coordination
  • It challenges you mentally and physically, aiding your overall growth
  • Unlocks a sense of personal accomplishment and elation of nailing new tricks


  • The risk of injuries tends to rise with the complexity of tricks
  • It often requires significant time and consistent effort
  • Frustrations and plateaus can crop up during practice sessions
  • It may require financial investments for tutoring, gear, and repairs

If you are a visual learner, check out the video below from YouTube.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You’ve got questions; we’ve got answers. Here’s a quick roundup of some of those burning questions you might have about improving your skateboarding skills. Let’s dive into the answers!

How often should I practice skateboarding?

Efficiency trumps quantity in skateboarding. One hour of focused practice daily can be way more fruitful than hours of unfocused drifting. However, the more consistent and dedicated you are to polishing your rides, the faster you progress.

How can I maintain my skateboard in good condition?

Keeping your skateboard in top condition is like feeding and nurturing a pet. Regular inspections, timely replacements of worn-out parts, and cleaning off any dirt or dust are the bare essentials. Read more on ensuring your ride stays as tight as Tony Hawk’s ollie!

Can watching skateboarding videos help?

Absolutely! Skateboarding videos act as an amazing learning tool, radiating information and inspiration alike. They help understand the nitty-gritty of techniques and offer a fresh perspective on performing tricks.

Are skateboard brands important?

Honestly, it’s a mixed bag. Some prefer sticking with reputable brands due to their proven track record. However, it’s also about personal style and preference. To learn more, head over to our detailed guide here.

Final thoughts

Embarking on the thrilling voyage of skateboarding takes you on a journey beyond just a sport; it’s a lifestyle that knits dedication, passion, and creativity together, interlaced with the adrenaline rush of nailing a trick. Each ride, each fall, and each triumph is a new chapter in this adventure.

What’s your favorite skateboarding memory? How did you overcome your biggest skateboarding barrier? Let me know in the comments section below. I read and reply to every comment. Share this piece with your skateboarding crew, and let’s pump up our rides together. Thanks for shredding through this post, and keep sparking your skating spirit!

Key takeaways

This article traced the roadmap for improving your skateboarding skills, shredding through the path one trick at a time. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Mastering the basics forms a strong foundation for progress.
  • Good balance skills lead to smoother, more controlled moves.
  • Gradual progress ensures a strong grasp of each trick.
  • Regular breaks can unlock a fresh perspective and renewed resilience.
  • Videos can be a valuable learning tool to improve techniques.
  • Ditching Mongo and embracing regular style improves stability.
  • Learning to ride a fakie and switch unlocks a wider range of tricks.

Helpful resources

Steven Portrate
Written by Steven Sadder, Staff Writer

Hey! I'm Steven, a lifelong skater, and proud New Yorker. I’ve been skating since I was a teenager. I may be a bit older now, but I'm not slowing down. Follow me for skating tips and latest gear reviews.

Nick eggert.
Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

Nick is our staff editor and co-founder. He has a passion for writing, editing, and website development. His expertise lies in shaping content with precision and managing digital spaces with a keen eye for detail.

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