5 Greatest Skateboarding Moments Part 2: A Leap Into History

Explore five game-changing tricks that shook skateboarding history in Part 2 of our wild ride into legendary skate moments.

Do you ever sit by your screen, recapping YouTube videos of the greatest skateboarding moments, totally blown away? Well, if you haven’t, buckle up because we’re about to take one sick ride into the defining moments that shook the concrete world of skating! In this exploration, we’ll zone in on the legends and their awe-inspiring feats, which have broken barriers and blown them up entirely! We’re talking heart-stopping, jaw-dropping, ground-shattering moments that went down in history.

What are the greatest moments in skateboarding history?

Some of the most significant moments in skateboarding history include:

Image of a skater performing an extreme stunt. Source: unsplash
Image of a skater performing an extreme stunt. Source: unsplash

1. Tony Hawk’s 900

Look, no compilation is complete without acknowledging the feather-ruffling iconic moment of our birdman’s 900-degree spin. Back then, it felt like Tony was soaring into another universe and took skateboarding prestige along with him!

It wasn’t just the trick; it was his tenacity. Smashing teeth, having back injuries, multiple concussions, you name it, the guy’s determination was insane. It sure elevated skateboarding to a new dimension of popularity. Check out how skateboarders made their space in the streets and skate parks here.

2. Danny Way’s Great Wall Leap

Now, this one is something else. Danny didn’t just break a record. He literally jumped over one of the seven wonders, the Great Wall of China! This guy’s audacity goes beyond the 70 feet he sailed through. Talk about making history and breaking records the killer way, albeit with a bunch of painkillers!

3. Jeremy Wray’s Tower Gap

Remember that scene from Fast and Furious where Paul Walker leaps over a bridge onto a moving yacht? that’s pretty much how we all felt with this stunt! This man casually ollied a crazy 20 feet flat over water towers with nothing but his board and booming courage! Definitely a crown jewel in skateboarding history and undeniably a trick that you can start with, provided you have less towering ambitions!

More outlandish moments follow in this lineup, including the daring exploits of Michi Brusco and Jamie Thomas and their rebel acts of defying gravity. So let’s get this show rolling and shred through these exceptional moments that have rocked and rolled the skateboarding world!

4. Michi Brusco’s historic 1260

Whenever we discuss iconic moments in skateboarding, Michi Brusco’s groundbreaking 1260 has to come into the conversation. This mind-boggling trick is a testament to how evolution is constant, even in skateboarding. Brusco rolled into the annals of skate history in 2019 by mastering a trick previously thought impossible.

Image of a skater jumping over a flight of stairs. Source: unsplash
5 greatest skateboarding moments part 2: a leap into history | image of a skater jumping over a flight of stairs unsplash | skateboard salad

His 1260 — spinning three and a half times in midair — had never been seen before. It was a phenomenal achievement, elevating skateboarding’s reputation even more. Just imagine, he spun an extra 360 on top of Tony Hawk’s 900! Despite the accolade-worthy achievement, Michi was awarded a silver medal, leaving us all questioning the system.

5. Jamie Thomas’s leap of faith

The last on our list is the infamous Leap of Faith by Jamie Thomas. This trick resembled a scene from a Hollywood action movie, a full send that ended with a thrill. The Leap of Faith is an old-school classic featuring Thomas pushing boundaries with his daredevil antics. The culmination of his part in the ‘Thrill of It All’ by Zero wasn’t a clean trick, but it became legendary because Thomas dared to attempt it.

And would you be surprised to see that skateboarding isn’t just about performing insane tricks but also about living through grinding daily challenges? Well, that’s all part of the unexpected beauty of our sport!

My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

5 greatest skateboarding moments part 2: a leap into history | 61vn95mf7ql. Ac sl1184 | skateboard salad
My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

I had my board stolen a few years ago and was forced to quickly replace it with a complete. I got one with an Enjoi deck and loved it so much that I still buy the Whitey Panda deck each time I need a new deck. This complete with budget-friendly, beginner-friendly parts, but I still swear by it.

What my skating journey taught me

From my personal experience, attempting to reenact these legendary tricks without proper skill and conditioning is a surefire roadmap to disaster. When I first kick-pushed my board as a teenage newbie, I thought, “How hard could it be, right?”

“Every skater has their own journey. It’s anything but a cakewalk. The goal is to have a blast along the way!”

I got a harsh roping in reality (translates as countless bruises and scrapes and a sprained wrist) when I recklessly attempted to master my first rail trick within weeks of starting. What this journey hammered in me, though, was this insurmountable respect for the legends who make these killer feats look like a walk in the park.

To all those adventurous souls out there, my earnest advice is to take it one step at a time and remain patient with your progress. Don’t press the pedal to metal immediately. Start slow, learn the easy tricks first, and gradually work your way up. It’s essential to remember that every skater has their own journey, and it’s anything but a cakewalk. And remember, the goal is to have a blast along the way!

Here’s a data snapshot of the five greatest skateboarding moments that have shaped the sport profoundly.

Skateboarding MomentSkaterYear
900 Degree SpinTony Hawk1999
Great Wall JumpDanny Way2005
Water Tower GapJeremy Wray1997
First 1260Michi Brusco2019
Leap of FaithJamie Thomas1997
Timeline of Biggest Game-Changing Skateboarding Moments

If you are a visual learner, check out the video below from YouTube.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In case you still have questions tumbling over your mind’s cliffs about the legendary tricks, moments, and skaters in this world of skateboarding, let’s address some of those commonly raised queries.

Who was the first skater to accomplish a 900-degree spin?

Tony Hawk, famously known as the ‘Birdman,’ was the first skater to land a 900-degree spin successfully. It occurred back in 1999 during the X-Games and was a turning point in the skateboarding scene, pushing it towards mainstream recognition.

How did Danny Way manage to leap over the Great Wall of China?

Danny Way performed this daredevil leap using a mega ramp that catapulted him over China’s Great Wall. Despite crash landing during the practice run, on the actual day, loaded with painkillers, Way cleared the ancient monument, breaking a record in the process.

Are these historical tricks too dangerous for a beginner skater to attempt?

Indeed, these tricks come with increased risks and require a high skill level, extensive experience, and meticulous preparation. Newbie skaters should focus on mastering the basics first and gradually work their way up. For some starter tricks that beginners can safely attempt, check out this list.

Final thoughts

With every gravity-defying trick, every boundary-smashing leap, and each trail-blazing spin in skateboarding history, we are reminded of the relentless spirit of our sport. These iconic moments, derived from a blend of audacity, grit, skill, and an uncompromising passion for the ride, have blazed the trails for future skaters. And who knows, you might be carrying the next game-changing trick up your sleeve!

What historical skateboarding moment do you think was the most game-changing? Hit me with your thoughts. And did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section below. I read and reply to every comment. If you found this article helpful, share it with a friend, and check out my full blog for more tips and tricks on kick-starting your skateboarding journey. Thanks for reading, and keep shredding your own path!

Key takeaways

This article covered the greatest moments in skateboarding history. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Skateboarding is replete with iconic moments that have shaped the sport with their bold ingenuity and trailblazing pursuits.
  • Tony Hawk’s 900, Danny Way’s Great Wall leap, and other such feats aren’t just about mastering tricks but celebrating the relentless spirit of skateboarding.
  • These milestones have widespread implications – from inspiring the next generation of skaters to influencing popular perceptions about skateboarding.
  • Despite the awe and thrill, skaters must approach these historic tricks with respect, acknowledging the risks involved and the effort it takes to master them.
  • Ensuring skateboarding is a quest for fun, camaraderie, and individual expression is just as important as carving new swathes on the ramps or streets.

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Steven Portrate
Written by Steven Sadder, Staff Writer

Hey! I'm Steven, a lifelong skater, and proud New Yorker. I’ve been skating since I was a teenager. I may be a bit older now, but I'm not slowing down. Follow me for skating tips and latest gear reviews.

Nick eggert.
Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

Nick is our staff editor and co-founder. He has a passion for writing, editing, and website development. His expertise lies in shaping content with precision and managing digital spaces with a keen eye for detail.

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