10 People That Ruin Skateboarding Part 2: Unveiling the Top Culprits

People that ruin skateboarding: Meet the top 10 spoilsports and learn how to navigate their antics for fun-filled skate sessions.

Does the thought of that buzz-killing Karen ever make you question why you even bother to step on your board? Or the overzealous security guard who tries to play cop? No need to mull it over for too long, mate. We’ve pretty much all been there. In this post, I’ll be diving into the list of people that ruin skateboarding. And, oh boy, it’s quite the lineup.

Who tops the list of skateboarding buzzkills?

Before we dive in, let’s get one thing straight. Skateboarding, like any other sport, is all about enjoying the rush, the thrill, and, basically, having a blast. Sadly, there are those, consciously or not, who tend to suck the fun out of it. Here’s a rundown of these notorious five.

Image of a security guard standing in the streets. Source: unsplash
Image of a security guard standing in the streets. Source: unsplash

1. The classic Karen

Karen is typically your neighborhood watchdog, hell-bent on maintaining her version of peace and serenity, which apparently doesn’t include any shreds of skateboard wheels on concrete. Most encounters with Karen revolve around public disturbance complaints—be it noise, safety, or encroachment of private property.

Karens exist everywhere. They’re an integral part of the societal fabric. But when it comes to skateboarding, they tend to step on many skateboarders’ toes, drilling their point into an already unnecessary argument. How do you deal with them? Simple. Stay courteous, deflect their negativity, and if need be, change spots. You’re there for the fun, remember?

2. The overzealous security guards

Security Guards. Not all are bad, but those that are can really test a skater’s nerves. They’re your classic gatekeepers—ones equipped with a whistle and a sense of entitlement. Sadly, many go on power trips that often go against logic, reason, and sometimes even safety.

They may stop you from skating in a place you’re totally allowed to, be it public spaces, parking lots, or even skateparks. A classic clash of authority versus freedom, these encounters often end up leaving a sour taste in both parties’ mouths. How to tackle them? Know your rights, be aware of the skateboarding laws in your locale, and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

3. Skate park snakes

Ah, the little ones, reminiscent of squiggling reptiles, hence the name – Skate Park Snakes. These could be kids or novice skateboarders (no offense to the newbies) who seem clueless about skateboard park etiquette and often land you in risky situations.

Image of a kid riding a scooter in a skatepark. Source: pexels
10 people that ruin skateboarding part 2: unveiling the top culprits | image of a kid riding a scooter in a skatepark pexels | skateboard salad

Cutting you off mid-trick or trespassing on your path could lead to collisions and potential injuries. Then there are those who use skateparks as their personal playgrounds, completely oblivious to the dangers they pose to themselves and others. Solution? Educate them. In most cases, they’re not aware of their transgressions. Point it out politely, and often, you’ll see them correcting their actions.

4. Authority figures

Not your regular security guards, but this breed of authority figures could be school principals, local law enforcement, community leaders, etc. These folks usually have preconceived notions about skateboarding and often misinterpret it as a form of public nuisance or threat to community safety.

Their scrutiny and restrictions can sometimes limit skateboarding activities, making them less appealing to enthusiastic skaters. To deal with them, persistent education and open communication can work wonders. Exhibiting responsible skateboarding and initiating open dialogue can help alleviate their concerns.

5. Gatekeepers

And finally, we come to the gatekeepers—the self-proclaimed ‘guardians’ of skateboarding. These are folks within the skateboarding community who often indulge in unhealthy gatekeeping, creating an invisible divide between the so-called ‘true skaters’ and the newbies or ‘poser’ skaters.

This sort of attitude can dampen the spirit of the sport and hinder the backing of new talent. But it’s not all gloom and doom. Positive gatekeeping exists, where experienced skateboarders guide and maintain the essence of the sport. It’s these fellows we need more of to ensure skateboarding stays pure and enjoyable for everyone.

My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

10 people that ruin skateboarding part 2: unveiling the top culprits | 61vn95mf7ql. Ac sl1184 | skateboard salad
My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

I had my board stolen a few years ago and was forced to quickly replace it with a complete. I got one with an Enjoi deck and loved it so much that I still buy the Whitey Panda deck each time I need a new deck. This complete with budget-friendly, beginner-friendly parts, but I still swear by it.

Why do these people target skaters?

Be it the classic Karen, the wannabe security guard, or the unpredictable snake at the skate park – each of these characters makes it their mission to deter you from enjoying what you love doing. Why do they do it? Is it out of sheer boredom, or some misguided sense of righteousness, or perhaps even a warped vision of fun? Who knows? But the fact remains that these people exist, and skateboarding seems to draw them out like moths to a flame.

What are some additional skateboarding tips?

If you’re a fellow skater like me, these additional handy tips would aid you in your skateboarding journey – from practicing tricks, and maintaining your board to tackling the notorious skate disruptors out there:

  • Learn and respect skateboarding etiquette from the moment you step into the park.
  • Communication is key. Keep an open line of communication with fellow skaters to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Keep calm when confronting disruptive individuals. Remember, you’re there for your love of skateboarding.
  • Rather than reacting negatively to criticism, use it as a chance to grow and improve your skills.
  • Prioritize your safety. Always wear a helmet and knee pads, especially when trying new tricks.

Dos and don’ts of skateboarding etiquette

Skateboarding culture, like any other, comes with its own share of etiquette and rules. Maneuvering through the skating world, here’s a simple guide on the dos and don’ts that would help you maintain the skate stoke:

Respect others’ spaceDon’t litter or vandalize the park
Wait for your turnDon’t snake others
Know your abilitiesDon’t try tricks you’re not ready for
Help and encourage beginnersDon’t act snobbish or judgemental
Wear safety gearDon’t ignore safety measures
A quick rundown on skateboarding etiquette

My personal experience with skateboarding naysayers

I still remember my encounter with a furiously overprotective parent at my local skate park who was convinced that every trick I attempted was a death sentence. It was frustrating, to say the least, but it reminded me of the misconceptions people have about skateboarding and the need for open dialogues.

Though I’m no expert, I’ve found that patience, politeness, and a pinch of humor usually work wonders in such encounters. And as for motivation, a quote by Steve-o (yeah, the guy from Jackass!) hits home. He said, “Skateboarding teaches you how to take a fall properly. If you try to kickflip down some stairs, it might take you thirty tries—and you just learn how to take a tumble out of it without getting hurt.” here, you can read more about his thoughts on skateboarding.

“Skateboarding, like any other sport, is all about enjoying the rush, the thrill, and just, basically, having a blast. Sadly, there are those, consciously or not, who tend to suck the fun out of it.”

If you are a visual learner, check out the video below from YouTube.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

There’s always more to know when it comes to the vast world of skateboarding, its culture, quirks, frustrations, and encounters. Here, I answer some intriguing questions that often pop up among skaters and enthusiasts.

Is there a way to avoid all this drama and just enjoy skateboarding?

Absolutely! While you may not be able to entirely avoid these encounters, being informed and maintaining a respectful demeanor can go a long way. Also, picking the right spots and times to skate, anred being aware of skateboarding laws can minimize these incidents.

Are there any specific laws or rights that protect skaters?

Law varies from country to country and even between cities. While no specific laws protect skateboarders as such, there are general laws applicable to public spaces and behaviors. It’s always a good idea to know your local laws to avoid unnecessary confrontations. For an interesting read, check out how skateboarding thrived during the pandemic here.

How can I contribute positively to the skateboarding community?

Your attitude matters the most! Be respectful of others, help beginners, keep your space clean, follow skate park etiquette, and most importantly, continue enjoying the sport. Lead by example, and you’ll inspire others to follow suit.

Final thoughts

Navigating through the somewhat rocky waters of skateboarding clashes might feel daunting at times. But, as we’ve seen, it’s not an insurmountable task. The love for the sport, combined with a little understanding and the right attitude, can keep the spirit of skateboarding alive. While these characters might seem frustrating, always remember what Brooklyn Banks, the iconic skateboarding spot, taught us – it’s all about persistence, fun, and freedom.

Wouldn’t it be great to step on your board without the worry of these common skate disruptors? How would it change your skate sessions? And did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section below. I read and reply to every comment. If you found this article helpful, share it with a friend and check out my full blog for more tips and tricks on skateboarding encounters. Thanks for reading, and keep shredding!

Key takeaways

This article delved deep into the people who can potentially ruin skateboarding. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Understand your rights and be aware of skateboarding laws in your area to avoid conflicts and ensure you’re skating legally.
  • Be mindful of “Skate Park Snakes” – kids or novice skateboarders who may not be aware of park etiquette.
  • Authority figures such as school principals and law enforcement may have misconceptions about skateboarding, seeing it as a nuisance or safety threat.
  • Open communication and demonstrating responsible skateboarding can help change their perceptions and address their concerns.
  • While some gatekeepers may perpetuate negative stereotypes, others positively guide and uphold the sport’s true essence.

Helpful resources

Steven Portrate
Written by Steven Sadder, Staff Writer

Hey! I'm Steven, a lifelong skater, and proud New Yorker. I’ve been skating since I was a teenager. I may be a bit older now, but I'm not slowing down. Follow me for skating tips and latest gear reviews.

Nick eggert.
Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

Nick is our staff editor and co-founder. He has a passion for writing, editing, and website development. His expertise lies in shaping content with precision and managing digital spaces with a keen eye for detail.

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