People WHO Ruin Skateboarding: Top 5 Types You’Ll Encounter

Meet the top 5 types ruining your skateboarding fun and learn practical ways to handle them. Skate better, vibe better.

People who ruin skateboarding: top 5 types you'll encounter | featured image for a post titled people who ruin skateboarding top 5 types youll encounter img 991701221 1 cropped | skateboard salad

Have you ever encountered that sticky situation that ‘People who ruin skateboarding’ presents? Who are they, and why is their behavior such a killjoy for the skateboarding community? We’re gonna dive into these contentious characters, why they’re such party poopers, and how best to deal with them. Get stoked because you’re about to navigate the sometimes sketchy waters of skate social vibes.

We’ll skate through four extreme kinds of skate spoilers: * The notorious Karens * The overzealous Security Guards * The chaotic Skatepark Snakes * And the controversial Gatekeepers

In shredding through each, you’ll gain the sick knowledge to maintain that killer ride, no matter who tries to throw a wrench in your bearings. And trust me, you’re gonna want to check out how to handle these ‘worst type of skaters’ without losing your cool. So, are you stoked yet? Let’s hit the streets!

When has karen rained on your skateboarding parade?

We’ll kickstart with the infamous stereotypical Karen – the skateboarder’s dread. Even your solid trick out on the streets or in your driveway is her business. Whether it’s a noise complaint or the inevitable concussion scare, Karen’s are ever ready to disrupt your skating session. Check out my post on ‘why skateboarding is considered dangerous,’ and let’s bust some myths for the Karens out there!

Do security guards have a bone to pick with skateboarders?

Not all heroes wear capes; some wear security guard uniforms, bringing their own share of drama. The power game can be a bitter sweet ride. Sometimes they’ve got some valid points, but let me tell you something, man, the bad ones can really make your day sketchy. We’ll get into a detailed rundown and how to deal with these guys without losing your grip (or your grip tape!).

Are skatepark snakes the real villains in disguise?

Ah, the Skatepark Snakes, the little dudes and dudettes who unknowingly raise the chaos bar by zipping around without a care in the world. It must be pretty insane to have your session disrupted by these unpredictable movers. But hey, don’t stress! I’ve got some fantastic ideas to keep these snakes out of your skateboarding garden.

Are gatekeepers necessary or just another buzzkill?

Finally, we unofficially crown the Gatekeepers of the skateboarding realm. Now that’s a solid choice of a topic! We’re talking about those who hold the keys to what’s supposed “authentic” skate culture and what’s not. But do they have it right, or is it just their way of saying “do as I say, not as I do”? Let’s break this down, shall we?

Sure, the journey through this universe of varied personas may seem slightly daunting. But remember, most folks are down-to-earth and stoked to share the asphalt with you. Believe me; these encounters are just part of the ride and will add flavor (though sometimes a tad bitter) to your skateboarding stories! So, are you ready to drop in? Let’s roll…

How can you deal with the worst skateboarding killjoys?

Before we pull off a 360 on this topic, let’s remember, dealing with sour faces isn’t just about clapping back. It involves understanding, patience, and where possible, good ol’ humor. We’ll check out some surprisingly effective ways to handle these buzzkills. From subtle tactics to outright confidence, we’ve got you covered. So, buckle up your skate shoes, and let’s kick, push, coast through this listicle.

People who ruin skateboarding: top 5 types you'll encounter | featured image for a post titled people who ruin skateboarding top 5 types youll encounter img 991701221 1 cropped | skateboard salad

1. karen encounters

You can almost hear it. The echoing drone of a dissatisfied Karen approaching fast. She’s the kind of buzzkill that tries to put a damper on your joy ride. Karen is skilled at picking a fight —or an argument at least, over your skateboarding enjoyment.

How to handle a Karen? Don’t bite the bait; instead, go for a tactical route. The secret is – don’t fuel the fire! Let her spin her tale, verify whether you’re indeed breeching a policy or a rule. If not, just continue your grind and flip. Most times, they’re just looking for a reaction; don’t hand it over to them on a platter!

2. security guards showdown

Now, dealing with Security Guards can be a tricky affair. They’re just doing their job, right? But sometimes, they come on too strong, turning a simple reversal of direction into a Bruce Lee martial arts faceoff.

The best approach? Show some respect. If you’re asked to leave – just leave. Yeah, we know it’s frustrating, especially if you’ve finally gotten that insane trick down pat. But remember, there’s always another spot, another day to play. And hey, you might even avoid those hefty fines!

3. skatepark snakes slytherin’

Skatepark Snakes, oh boy! These little dodgers can be a real menace during a session. They weave through the park, oblivious of their impact on the skaters landing their “fakie bigspins” and “noseblunts.”

Here’s where some assertiveness comes in handy. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Tell the parents kindly or discuss it with the park management if it gets too wild. Be clear and assertive without coming across as overbearing. They’re kids, and the idea is to share, not scare!

4. gatekeepers grumbling

The self-proclaimed Gatekeepers – they’ve become the unofficial referees of what’s cool or kosher in the skating world. To them, it’s their way or the highway!

The key here is to be humble yet confident. Understand their point of view but, at the same time, do not completely forsake your style and interests. Remind them – and yourself – that skating is about personal expression, camaraderie, and, above all else, fun!

5. the steel-faced bystanders

Last, but not least – the silent observers, the Steel-faced Bystanders. Their stern faces can be just as rattling as a vociferous Karen. They aren’t generally a problem but can put newer skaters in their discomfort zone.

How to tackle this one? Smile, and keep shredding! They might just need a little display of your stoke to loosen up. And if that doesn’t work? Remember, you’re not there to entertain them; you’re there to enjoy your ride. Stick to the plan, carve out your line, and keep pushing!

That concludes our listicle on dealing with the top five skateboarding killjoys. Keep these tips in your kit-bag for your next epic session, and don’t let the haters dim your shine! Happy shredding!

People who ruin skateboarding: top 5 types you'll encounter | featured image for a post titled people who ruin skateboarding top 5 types youll encounter img 991701221 1 cropped | skateboard salad
My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

People who ruin skateboarding: top 5 types you'll encounter | 61vn95mf7ql. Ac sl1184 | skateboard salad
My favorite complete skateboard (at the moment):

Enjoi Whitey Panda Complete Skateboard

I had my board stolen a few years ago and was forced to quickly replace it with a complete. I got one with an Enjoi deck and loved it so much that I still buy the Whitey Panda deck each time I need a new deck. This complete with budget-friendly, beginner-friendly parts, but I still swear by it.

What are ‘people who ruin skateboarding’ and why it matters?

Ah, the ‘People Who Ruin Skateboarding’, they’re the ultimate “villains” in our otherwise enjoyable skateboarding journey. They range from an overzealous bystander to a clueless parent, or perhaps an intimidating security guard. These individuals might not even realize the effect they have on skaters, particularly the novice ones, trying to build their confidence and skills.

But why do they matter so much? Simply put, their behavior can overshadow the camaraderie and freedom that skateboarding represents. Skating is an expression of athleticism, creativity, and community. It’s a culture where we all learn, fall, and again strive to nail that elusive ollie or spine transfer. That’s why knowing how to handle such buzzkills becomes crucial. Let’s remember, we skate for the love of it, and nothing should sway us, not even a sour-faced bystander!

Dos and don’ts of handling ‘people who ruin skateboarding’

We’ve all had a fair share of run-ins with the types we’ve listed above. But there’s a tactful way to wheel around these rough patches. Here’s a compact list of ‘dos and don’ts’ to guide you.

Show RespectArgue or Escalate
Speak up but be kindReact impulsively
Understand they might be unawareNeglect legit concerns
Be courteousLet them ruin your fun
Table 1: The Dos and Don’ts of Handling ‘People Who Ruin Skateboarding’.
Post our detour with the killjoys, it might be a good time to remind ourselves of some good ol’ skateboarding etiquette that keeps the community inclusive and fun-loving.

Additional skateboarding etiquettes

  • Be aware of your surroundings and others skating around.
  • Take turns and respect the lines during a session.
  • Encourage and uplift your fellow skaters; remember we all started as beginners.
  • Always leave your skate spot cleaner than you found it.
  • Respect local laws and guidelines related to skateboarding.

Personal opinion on dealing with skateboarding killjoys

Trust me, when I began my skateboarding journey, I quickly realized that dealing with these individuals would be part of the process. Initially, any terse comment or curious stare would knock my confidence. I once had a park snake zoom right into my path when I was just about to land a double flip.

But then, I learned that to enjoy my sessions, I had to deal with these encounters in a more constructive manner. It was all part of the culture, the experience. I rolled into troubleshooting mode, showed respect, stood my ground when needed, and yep, learned to laugh it off sometimes. Because at the end of the day, all such encounters were just a blip in my love for the sweet symphony that my wheels strummed on the asphalt! Keep shredding, my friends! And remember, don’t let the naysayers stop you from taking that leap to achieve your best skateboarding feats. We’ve got this!

“Skating is an expression of athleticism, creativity, and community. It’s a culture where we all learn, fall, and again strive to nail that elusive ollie or spine transfer. Remember, we skate for the love of it, and nothing should sway us, not even a sour-faced bystander!”

Let’s roll into some facts about skateboarding. Skateboarding isn’t just a sport; it’s a playground of creativity, resilience, and comradery. Our encounters with different individuals are part of the process. Here’s a cool table illustrating the age demographic of skateboarders.

Age RangePercentage of Skateboarders
Under 1845%
25 and Above25%
Table 2: Age Demography of Skateboarders

Advantages and disadvantages of skateboarding

Skateboarding is much more than just fun on four wheels. It comes with a sweet package of mental and physical benefits. However, like everything else in life, it also has its downside. Let’s break it down.

Advantages of skateboarding

Skateboarding is genuinely more than just a sport. Here are a few reasons why:

  • It’s an excellent way to maintain physical fitness.
  • It fosters resilience as every fall teaches you to get up and try again.
  • Skateboarding improves concentration and focus.
  • It’s a terrific way to make friends and build a supportive community.

Disadvantages of skateboarding

As much as we love skateboarding, it also has its pitfalls. Here are some drawbacks:

  • Risk of injuries is a common part of skateboarding.
  • It can be time-consuming, especially when you’re learning new tricks.
  • Meeting a few unfriendly faces (like the ones we just talked about) can be a bummer.
  • Understanding and following skate etiquettes can be overwhelming, especially for newbie skaters.

If you are a visual learner, check out the video below from YouTube.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

We’ve shredded through the list of people who often dim the fun of your skateboarding rides. And I’m sure you may have some questions popping up. Let’s slide into some commonly asked questions on this topic.

How can I be a respectful skater?

Showing respect to others, whether skaters or not, plays a big role in promoting a positive skateboarding culture. Learn to take turns, respect the lines, and follow local skateboarding laws and guidelines. Never leave trash behind at your skate spots—it’s our responsibility to help keep these places clean and safe. For more on skateboarding etiquette, check out my article on ‘best habits for new skaters.’

My favorite skate spot has many skatepark snakes. what can I do?

Having your favorite spot overrun by young, inexperienced skaters can be frustrating. Be assertive yet gentle in explaining why their chaotic movements can be dangerous. It’s also good to discuss the situation with park management, and they can enforce some rules or create separate time slots for different groups.

What is the deal with gatekeepers in the skateboarding community?

Gatekeepers can seem off-putting with their firm views on what’s ‘real skateboarding.’ Remember, while keeping up the authenticity of skateboarding is important, it should not deter anyone from picking up the sport or expressing their unique style. Find your style, and let’s hope for a more inclusive skateboarding community!

Final thoughts

We’ve taken an exciting ride through some choppy streets of the skateboarding community: the buzzkills. It’s true, dealing with them isn’t generally the kind of excitement we’re looking for. However, handling these encounters gracefully is also part of our skateboarding journey. And guess what, the next time you pop that gnarly trick perfectly, it will feel just sweeter!

So, what’s your most ‘adventurous’ encounter with a skateboarding buzzkill?

And did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section below—I read and reply to every comment. If you found this article helpful, share it with a friend, and check out my full blog for more tips and tricks on handling skateboarding hurdles. Thanks for reading and keep defying gravity, folks!

Key takeaways

This article covered the not-so-glamorous part of our beloved sport: dealing with people who tend to dampen the skateboarding fun. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Dealing with people who disrupt skateboarding sessions is as much an art as learning a new skate trick.
  • Respect and understanding can go a long way in handling confrontations with Karens or overzealous security guards.
  • Speaking up assertively yet kindly is necessary when dealing with skatepark snakes.
  • Gatekeepers may seem intimidating, but remember, skateboarding is about personal expression and having fun!
  • Ultimately, the joy and satisfaction derived from skateboarding outweigh the occasional run-ins with these individuals. So, keep shredding!
Steven Portrate
Written by Steven Sadder, Staff Writer

Hey! I'm Steven, a lifelong skater, and proud New Yorker. I’ve been skating since I was a teenager. I may be a bit older now, but I'm not slowing down. Follow me for skating tips and latest gear reviews.

Nick eggert.
Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

Nick is our staff editor and co-founder. He has a passion for writing, editing, and website development. His expertise lies in shaping content with precision and managing digital spaces with a keen eye for detail.

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